Monday, February 18, 2008


ok so i'm still not feeling so great guys but hopefully that's just the aftereffects of YET ANOTHER abdominal surgery. (and for the record, i feel much better than i did 4 days after my OTHER abdominal surgeries, lols!)

anywho, i'm sure that anna and renee were able to update you guys as to everything that went on last thursday but i figured i'd better check in now that i'm at work and have internet access and let you guys know exactly what happened and that i'm still around. (ya ain't gettin' rid of me THAT easy!! )

at the end of this post you'll notice that i've uploaded my surgery pics. my girlfriend said that my obgyn was kinda rude after the surgery and like he was smirking/laughing when he came in to tell me what had happened but i really don't remember that part. he showed me these images and best i can remember he said something about the tiny black dots being the endometriosis that he burned off (there wasn't very much of that though.) he said that my ovaries looked GREAT (which is FABULOUS NEWS!!!) so no problems there but there was a LOT A LOT A LOT!!!!! of scar tissue from my previous abdominal surgeries (gosh i wonder how that happened...) so he burned that off hoping that would alleviate some of my pain.

and then... he showed me something else. lols, look at that first pic. notice the little clips in the middle of the image? well, those were down around my ovaries just kinda floating around. actually, there were "quite a few" of those little buggers floating around in my abdomen. he said that he removed them and that they were also from my previous abdominal surgeries. i'm guessing they're staples or something idk...

so i'm hurting and extremely swollen (WAAAYY more than i was pre-op!) and my abdomen is hard as a rock and the incisions look HORRIBLE! they're gonna scar so bad and i'm a little miffed about that. after all, i had THREE abdominal surgeries in 6 months using the SAME INCISIONS and they NEVER looked this bad!!! but hopefully time will help them to vanish somewhat. and in the big scheme of things, a couple of noticeable scars is a very small price to pay in order to have my health and my life back! (assuming of course that this procedure "fixed" everything. fingers and toes crossed...)






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