Thursday, April 10, 2008

b-12 deficiency (pernicious anemia??) and gastritis??

so i went for my scope yesterday and discovered that i do NOT have a stricture nor do i have ulcers in my pouch any longer. i DO however have gastritis which is why i've been belching so much lately and have been bloated and also having such horrible "gut wrenching" pains.

i don't recall everything that my surgeon told me yesterday after the scope because of the anesthesia but i seem to recall him stating something about aspirin causing this or that it LOOKED like i'd been taking aspirin or something to that effect. now, this is totally NOT what happened because i have been EXTREMELY DILIGENT in making sure that EVERY physician that i see knows FULL WELL that i had gbs and that i CANNOT take anything with aspirin or aspirin related products in it or NSAID's of any kind. matter of fact, last week the doctor at med-plus was trying to write a script for me for something called "UTA capsules" and i had a HUGE fit about that after i went to webmd and discovered that it has a "cousin" to aspirin in it and people who cannot take aspirin should not take this medication. he was skeptical but he wrote me a script for something else anyway. (trust me, when i get ticked off EVERYONE knows it!!! )

so when i came in to work this morning i started doing some googling and came across this page which states that:

Gastritis is not a single disease, but several different conditions that all have inflammation of the stomach lining. Gastritis can be caused by drinking too much alcohol, prolonged use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen, or infection with bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Sometimes gastritis develops after major surgery, traumatic injury, burns, or severe infections. Certain diseases, such as pernicious anemia, autoimmune disorders, and chronic bile reflux, can cause gastritis as well.

The most common symptoms are abdominal upset or pain. Other symptoms are belching, abdominal bloating, nausea, and vomiting or a feeling of fullness or of burning in the upper abdomen. Blood in your vomit or black stools may be a sign of bleeding in the stomach, which may indicate a serious problem requiring immediate medical attention.

first off, i do NOT drink alcohol, i do NOT use NSAIDs or aspirin or ibuprofen and i also do NOT have h. pylori in my system. however, i DID have surgery on valentine's day (exploratory laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and d&c) and i also just finished a second round of antibiotics two days ago for a bladder (or was it kidney?) infection. AND i'm ALSO deficient in b-12 which is why i've been taking b-12 shots. (my pcp's office tells me that my b-12 was practically nonexistant back in jan/feb and we've been trying to raise it ever since with injections.)

so my question is this: is b-12 deficiency the same thing as pernicious anemia? according to this page it is but i wasn't sure if there were other factors to be considered besides just being deficient in b-12.

also, could the valentine's day surgery have caused the gastritis? (was that a "major" surgery???) or could it be caused by this wicked bladder/kidney infection that won't die? (is that a "severe" infection?) or possibly from the b-12 deficiency? (pernicious anemia?)

i have a call in to the nurse at my pcp's office because they can usually explain things to me in terms that i understand better than my surgeon's office can but they haven't called me back just yet and i was hoping that maybe some of my oh family could shed a little light on this situation.

oh yeah, and here are the pics! (lols, you KNEW that was coming, huh? ) idk why but i've always been weird about medical pictures, films, videos, etc. LOVES LOVES LOVES seeing my insides!!!

remember the "suture" that was hanging from my FIRST scope (way back a year ago?) well, my surgeon didn't like it hanging there because stuff was getting caught on it and causing pain and infection so he removed it. it bled a little but he said it should be ok. (that's what you see in the second pic only it has mucus on it and then in the third pic it shows where he removed it and there was a little blood.) the first pic shows the gastritis and the fourth pic shows my stoma. and he said everything else about my pouch, etc looked "perfect" so that's encouraging news






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