Wednesday, April 2, 2008


this is just a repost for those that may or may not have seen where i responded with it originally.

i saw my surgeon yesterday and told him as many details as i could bare to tell him and he sort of shrugged me off and told me to ween myself off the laxatives. (i told him the "plan" that i had come up with to try to reduce the amount and he said and to do it myself.)

he's planning on scoping me in a week too. apparently the gastro doc that i was referred to previously ISN'T the only person who can scope me. apparently my rny surgeon can ALSO scope me and that's what he's going to do in order to check for any ulcers/hot spots since i've been having "reflux-like" pain again. he cautioned me that everything might turn out to be "normal" and i told him that i was totally ok with that. i told him that i'd rather him go in there and not find ANYTHING than to NOT have him check and then have another perf'd ulcer and so that's why he agreed to do it.

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