Sunday, October 19, 2008

do you love it?


my halloween costume this year... my friend martitalinda sent me two boxes of clothes and one of them contained this beautiful dress and then i got the shoes for $1 at the salvation army yesterday, lols!!! i'm either going to nashvegas for a halloween party on the first or else i'm going to try and talk vann and ashley into going to quest in birmingham that night (but it's a gay bar so idk if vannie would be up for that...)

anywho, since it's the first it's not really "halloween" anymore so i felt kinda weird wearing an actual COSTUME. so this is okay. i can either say that i'm a "snake" (since it's a snake print) or just... my fabulous self! :~D

whaddaya think? (seriously folks, i want comments here. whaddaya think???)



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