Saturday, May 24, 2008

an update for those STILL concerned about the lax. situation

ok, here's what i've been doing: i drink 3-5 of these concoctions each day. i have a 24 oz. bottle of vitamin water that i get each day and i drink about 3-4 ounces out of the top of it to make room. then i put in one strawberry-kiwi flavored special k2o protein mix packet, one strawberry flavored crystal light packet and then two pink lemonade flavored all bran mix packets. then i freeze it for a couple of hours (not solid though), take it out, shake it up REALLY good and viola! a sweet/tart slushy that gets me "going" AND gets my water in for the day when i mix it up this way then it equals 25 grams of fiber, 5 grams of protein and 70 calories.

i have gone from needing to take 18+ laxatives daily to produce even the slightest movement to now not using ANY laxatives and i go (nice and soft and easy) 1-3 times daily, every single solitary day. i haven't taken a laxative OR stool softener since sunday, april 13th and i've been "regular" like this ever since thursday, april 17th

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