Monday, September 29, 2008

so whatsa girl to do????

i'm really confused and i need SOMEONE ELSE to make the next few life altering decisions in my life FOR me (please?)

as we all know by now, i have a job until november 12th. then i will receive a lump sum check totaling 10 weeks of pay and i will have insurance coverage through the end of november. after that i can pay out of my own pocket for COBRA (which is MASSIVELY EXPENSIVE!) or just... be uninsured. (<-- yeah right! like THAT'LL ever happen!!) oh and i'll also be eligible for unemployment (my employer will not fight it, that's part of my severance package.)

so i'm really not quite sure what to do with myself right now. i KNOW that i'm about to be unemployed. that's a fact. i also know that i *could* apply to get my job back but i'd have to move to tuscaloosa to do it. this is a problem for a number of reasons:

1) i JUST moved!! i'm locked in a 12 month lease.

2) i can't AFFORD to move AGAIN!!

3) i don't even KNOW anyone in tuscaloosa and my family would be too far away to help if something were to happen to either me or kensie.

so that's pretty much out of the question :~/

OR, i could stay here and get the unemployment and *hope* that they won't force me to take a job, ANY job, whether i'm qualified or not (mcdonald's anyone? NO THANKS!) and also hope that i can somehow AFFORD to pay for COBRA until i get a job that will pick up the slack. and... of course, hope that a job that meets my needs and skill level will come available for me SOON (but not before the first of the year... i'd like to have the holidays off for a change, lol!!)

OR, i could move to pensacola and hope that i can find something suitable down there soon (i have family in pensacola.) OR, i'd LIKE to move to nashville or atlanta (if i moved to atlanta i could FINALLY finish my degree!!) except that i don't have any family in either place. i DO however have friends in nashville and one of them has offered me a position in the office where he's the manager (like an apartment complex or something like that i think, real estate... not really sure.) but again, no family close by and nowhere to live and no money to move on.

so... whatsa girl to do???

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